Dear Shri Anna Hazare, let me start by complimenting you for the cause of corruption taken up by you, and subsequently the support you have received in your movement. What you are doing is quite commendable. In today’s age, for someone of your age to take up the cause of the comman man through the non-violence movement, is a completely different experience for our generation. For our generation which has always known the power of money, corruption or brute force to get things done, your approach to get your issue heard is quite impressive.
However, I am sorry I cannot show my support towards your cause when I am myself guilty of abetting corruption on a regular basis. I am what we call a hypocrite in our society, who wants to rid our country of corruption, but cannot do without it either. I am one of the many who thrive on a corrupt set of bureaucrats to get their personal as well as professional work done. I take pride in never bribing the traffic cop on the street, but am guilty of doing a lot more behind the scenes.
Sir, you are taking the cause up to the politicians and for the Lokpal Bill, however, you would very well be aware that the roots of corruption are spread so far and wide that only implicating people at the top will not serve the purpose because we all are guilty of promoting corruption upto the level of clerks in the government departments. So even if you are able to get the Lokpal Bill strengthened and passed, the law will only be a law like so many others which get broken day after day in our country. More than the law, it is the poeple that you should target to change.
So while I admire your cause, I would like to apologize that I cannot be showing my support for it on moral grounds (however ironic it might sound) that I myself am not 100% moral towards anti-corruption, unless I am willing to change myself personally.
All the best in your movement and hope it brings fruitful results.

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